Allantoin pure
Allantoine for cosmetics.
D-Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL pure
D-Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL - certified chemical LabChem The prize for >5 PKG and wholesale packs, please request.
di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate p.A.
di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate for Laborator and food.
Disodium hydrogen phosphate pure
Disodium hydrogen phosphate pure
Glauber's salt pure
Glauber's salt is a mild laxative to detoxify the body. Glaubers salt for intestinal cleansing
Glycerol pure, 85+%
Glycerol pure for cosmetics.
Inulin pure
Inulin pure for food
Kojic acid pure
Kojic acid for cosmetics as brightener.
Magnesium citrate anhydrous pure
Magnesium citrate anhydrous
Magnesium citrate nonahydrate pure
Magnesium citrate nonahydrate
Magnesium glycinate pure
Copper glycinate chelate for food supplement and pharma.
Magnesium hydroxide pure E528
Magnesium hydroxide the best inorganic source of magnesium. FoodChem
Potassium hydrogen carbonate food
Potassium hydrogen carbonate p.a. certified chemical LabChem The prize for >5 PKG and wholesale packs, please request.
Rhodo-pH-Minus, Rhodo-pH-Minus to lower the soil pH value for acidophilic plants.
Sodium chloride p.a., super clean
certifiesd chemical LabChem
Zinc gluconate pure
Zinc gluconate for pharmaceuticals.